Hotel Transylvania

Hotel Transylvania

If you liked Dexter’s Lab or Samurai Jack, which require specific taste, you will easily recognize the signature of mister Tartakovsky. Especially during the end credits. This animated feature is a rare breed, everything in it is superb. Casting is brilliant, script is impeccable. Yes, Pixar’s films are a bit more intelligent and/or emotional, but Hotel transylvania is pretty close to have everything: fun, smart jokes and style. I look forward to the sequel, although I am afraid at the same time.

Ako ste voleli Deksterovu Laboratoriju ili Samuraja Džeka, za koje je potreban poseban ukus, onda ćete lako prepoznati potpis gospodina Tartakovskog. Pogotovo u odjavnoj špici koja je crtana rukom. Ovaj animirani film je retka zverka, u njemu sve funkcioniše besprekorno. Kasting je genijalan, scenario je bez mana (za jedan porodični ljubav-pobeđuje-sve-familija-je-jača-od-života film). Da, Piksarova dela su za nijansu inteligentnija ili emotivnija, ali ovaj film je najbliže tome da ima sve: i zabavu i pametne štosove i izgled. Zapravo se radujem nastavku, iako imam mesta i za strah.

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