

I missed this film in movie theaters, which i regret. I heard many good things from my friends about it, but I had no expectations. It is interesting that I find all other films by David Ayer mediocre, but this one is brilliant on so many levels. I still think about it. I have to give the actors a little praise. Every actor and actress in this film. Transfer of war unpleasantness is superb.

All but one member of the team are fighting for three years in a tank. They are supposed to be the good guys but they allow themselves a lot of immoral stuff, because war doesn’t leave no person unharmed in some way. The new guy is learning that the hard way, evidently thrown in midst of brutal battles in the end of WWII. For his tank buddies, the war became normal life. It took them to a stadium where they don’t bathe even when they got a chance for it. Why? The life is too short. And when you survive, you are a hero.

Every person thinking that war could be a solution to some kind of a problem on this planet should be strapped to a chair with long and repetitive marathons of this film, “Come and See” and “The Big Red One”. And then something lighter, like 10 hours of “Band of Brothers”. And then all of that again.

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